Be Involved
Take a Survey
Plan Your Park Survey
Share your ideas about how to transform the Rancho Cañada unit of Palo Corona Regional Park. Your engagement will help us compete for State grants to fund projects in the park. Designed with inclusivity for all abilities, proposed features include a nature children's playground, a dog park, and outdoor classroom with a wildlife viewing platform, multi-use paths, and an amphitheater.
The survey opens July 17, 2021 and closes August 31, 2021.
Dog Park Community Survey
The Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District is launching the design of an off-leash dog park within the Rancho Cañada unit of Palo Corona Regional Park, among other improvements, based on the extensive public outreach during the Palo Corona General Development Plan (GDP) process, completed in 2018.
Take the survey now,
Learn more,
Attend a Public Workshop
No workshops are currently scheduled. Check back later for updates.
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To receive email updates on the Nature Play Area/Restroom projects, please click here.
To receive email updates on the Dog Park project, please click here.