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Volunteer Naturalists

Become a Volunteer Naturalist and share your love of nature and the outdoors. Volunteer Naturalists staff the Garland Ranch Regional Park Visitor Center, lead Interpretive Hikes for the general public and school groups, facilitate at Let’s Go Outdoors activities, monitor trails, serve as Park District ambassadors at various community events and assist with conservation projects.

Volunteer Naturalists must be 18 years or older and willing to commit 6 hours per month for one year and attend monthly enrichment trainings.

Our Volunteer Naturalist positions require a commitment of one year working 6 hours per month. Before completing an application for a volunteer position, please review the following criteria. If you meet the requirements, fill out the application form below.

Volunteer Naturalist Agreement

  1. I attest that I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. If I become a volunteer, I agree to a minimum one-year commitment.
  3. As a volunteer, I will attend the orientation and monthly enrichments.
  4. As a volunteer, I will be dependable, reliable and professional while representing MPRPD.
  5. I agree to the above conditions and wish to complete a volunteer application.
Volunteer Application

Return the completed application to:
Debbie Wyatt, Volunteer Coordinator
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District
PO Box 223340, Carmel, CA 93922